Sweden's Radio Siljan upgrades its studios with AEQ technology.

The radio station decided to install Forum IP Split and Forum LITE consoles in its ON AIR and control studios.

Following a pioneering installation at the Radio Lidköping community Station, UE Teknik in Sweden decided to go for the AEQ Ecosystem for their next installation at the Radio Siljan and Mora Närradio (community station).

They fitted a FORUM Lite Console since the Main Control was going to be fitted with a FORUM IP Split, and the operators favoured the control surface layout being identical in both Studios/Controls.

FORUM is a family of digital audio mixing consoles for Radio and Television, specially designed for ON-AIR broadcast control and adaptable to different work flows. Simplicity and control power are combined in FORUM IP to cover both basic and advanced operation needs. Two versions: SPLIT and LITE. Available in two formats: recessed and desktop.

Moreover, it was decided to build a shared 7-microphone studio, which allows both classic control studio operation and self-controlled programming. For this, the system is based on AEQ Consoles and also on the AEQ Netbox 32 AD Audio Interface. This turns Netbox AD into a non-blocking 64x64-channel automated audio matrix. Since all AEQ equipment with AoIP Multichannel connectivity has both a Physical and Virtual GPIO system, it is very easy to automate.

The Shared (between the two Radio Stations) talk studio is equipped with a StudioBox for local signalling and a NetBox 4 MH to provide for the Necessary Microphone inputs with phantom Power and the Headphones outputs.

For more information about Radio Siljan, please visit https://radiosiljan.com

Info: www.aeq.eu & Calavitis SA *

* Distributor for Hellas

Notes: Press Release - AEQ - 01/02/2023