Huge deployment of AEQ Intercom system at recent GAMERGY 2022 at IFEMA Madrid.

System Integrator Fluge Audiovisuales relied on AEQ technology for the event..

GAMERGY is the most important and spectacular gamer meeting in Spain, with a great projection and repercussion in the video game community. GAMERGY 2022 was a key meeting for all gamers, fans of the world of video games and the online world, for its clear vocation to turn this space (real and virtual) into an area of interest also for companies, institutions and other initiatives that share and develop the activity in the national and international market. In this way, GAMERGY has become among all participants, attendees and players the most important event of the year for this form of gamer life, which is held every year at the IFEMA exhibition centre in Madrid at the end of the year.

For such a massive event as GAMERGY 2022, the company selected to be in charge of all the audiovisual part, vital in such a show, was Fluge due to its technical capacity and great prestige in the market. The technical managers of Fluge Audiovisuales decided to confirm all the Intercom and private communications system to AEQ technology, as well as the assembly and technical support of operation also to AEQ personnel present in all the phases of installation, previous start-up, and of course in all the days of GAMERGY 2022.

AEQ's rental division prepared for the event two complete intercom systems for the coordination of the production of different gaming events on the two independent stages set up for the event. In addition, a commentary unit for casters was also integrated, which provided the audio production.

Each Intercom system is located in the production control (control room) of a stage. The largest Intercom system and commentary unit is located on stage 2 in hall 6. This hall has a main stage, called stage 1, and stage 2 or secondary stage. In addition, there is also the food-trucks and canteen area. The other Intercom system is installed on Stage 3, which is located in Hall 4 of IFEMA.

For the operation of stage 2, there was initially a configuration of 10 user panels and 6 wireless beltpacks, plus a commentary unit.

The system chosen was AEQ CROSSNET to have AoIP integration with Dante technology and other external audio sources. The wireless part consists of AEQ XPLORER beltpacks, initially estimating a couple of access points to cover the whole area needed. The beltpacks support 3 cameras, a ruler, a stage combat controller and an auxiliary.

Finally for the commentators an AEQ OLYMPIA3 digital position is used, which is also connected via Dante to the matrix. The use of IP technology throughout the assembly simplified the wiring tasks, minimised the previous hours of installation, and allowed us to offer great versatility in the operation, with infinite changes in real time to adapt to a production as agile and dynamic as the live broadcasting of video game requires.

Meanwhile, on stage 3 at IFEMA, a slightly smaller system is deployed, where 7 panels and 3 wireless beltpacks are needed, also to a system with AEQ CROSSNET matrix.

The whole project has been coordinated by AEQ's sales manager Mr Eduardo Guerrero together with the company's product manager Mr Roberto Tejero, in collaboration with the technical services of Fluge Audiovisuales.

For more information on Gamergy please visit

For more information about Fluge visit

Πληροφορίες: & Calavitis SA *

* Distributor for Hellas

Notes: Press Release - AEQ - 22/02/2023